The vision that the Yahweh God gave me was as follows.

There are many songs God has given to His children and they are not heard because they are bound up in one denomination or another and in church buildings so that only that body part gets to hear and the other parts miss out on the blessing.He wants all those He has given the gift of song, whether with instruments, voice, or with in the actual writing of the song, to be heard and shared with all His children. The gift God gave you is not for you, it is for the edification of the WHOLE BODY. Well the whole body is all those that the Father gave to Christ and that is anyone who has excepted Christ as their Savior. But, the body is scattered into different buildings, with different ideas, but the same purpose, to spread the good news of Christ. I understood that He wanted all his children to stop all their bickering and live in peace together and worship in harmony. The way that I was told to begin as my part of this process was to have a gathering with Yahweh and all those He would invite to gather together to Praise and Worship Him in unison as one body.

We stand on the scripture in Ephesians 4:6 "There is One Body, One Spirit, Just as you were ALL called into ONE and the same Hope when you were called. There is ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM, AND ONE GOD who IS Father of ALL over ALL , through ALL and with ALL." We want to encourage a life that attests to the fact that we are of ONE GOD, ONE SPIRIT, ONE FAITH (And that does not mean denomination, BUT the Faith of Christ), ONE CALLING, ONE BAPTISM, ONE LORD, ONE FATHER.

For the past 3 years we have had afestival in Missouri at the Arrowhead Campground and there has been a family body of over 500 people who come each year and worship in one Spirit and we enjoy our vacation time as a family would, coming home to a family reunion. God Spoke to me while I was on the stage one Saturday and said, "Pam, your always telling me aboutyour wonderful children, look around Pam, these are ALL my children, aren't they beautiful?" I realized at that moment how much it meant to Yahweh to have His Children come to see Him in the great outdoors. He reminded me that is where He spent all His time with Adam and Eve just walking in the Garden. He did not build them a house and ask to be invited to dinner, He walked the garden with them and He wants to have us back again as He had Adam and Eve. He has gone to great lengths to purify us of the sin Adam and Eve committed, by sending Jesus to die for us on a tree and rise again from the dead to give us the ability to go boldly before the throne, so that He could do just that...walk with us again in the garden and everyday as we walk our journey home to Heaven.

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